Living without stress is something absolutely impossible in our society, but there are professions and situations where stress levels can trigger a syndrome characterized by Mental Exhaustion.

This syndrome, called Burnout is characterized by physical and psychological exhaustion.

The patient has emotional imbalance, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment.

It occurs mainly in professionals who deal with constant emotional pressure in your day to day, in people who are extremely particular about his work, called workaholics, or people subjected to a very high level of demand.

But it’s not just this group that is subject to this impairment. In any other activity where the stress level builds up over time, we can diagnose this syndrome, such as a housewife dealing with disobedient children or seamstress with delivery times shorter and shorter.

The cause is contact with stressful situations for a long period of time and the influence of this situation in one’s life.

Everything depends on the response and the impact that stress situation is exerting.

Our forward posture to stressful situations can cause many diseases and Burnout is one of the most worrying !!

Learn more about how to modulate stress and prevent burnout following us.