Posts Written OnOctober 2015

Those who nap after their studies, can record the matter in memory, unlike those who prefer to watch tv Did you know that the famous take naps is very good for health? Yes, a deep nap of about 45 minutes helps improve memory by up to 5 times, for that rest helps the brain store the information. According to the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, a German study found that during sleep, the brain presents activities that are very important to record the latest information. The study brought together volunteers who were asked to read a list of 90…

Control type 2 diabetes with green tea, an ancient ally of health That green tea has many benefits for the body and skin, many people already know. However, a major benefit is unknown among their consumers, which is the glucose control. The benefits of the secret lies in the substances that prevent premature aging of body cells and promotes also important metabolic benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes. Green tea is a drink rich in polyphenols, which also contains catechin, a family of phytonutrient polyphenols, antioxidant substance; flavonoid, which has vascular action; caffeine, which helps improve the cognitive part…

The trigger to Burnout Syndrome is the accumulation of factors causing stress and the personal reaction, that is, as a person handles and controls the stress. When we are in a stressful situation, our body responds by releasing brain hormones, including ACTH (adrenocorticotropic) that acts on adrenal glands (above the kidneys) stimulating the production of cortisol and adrenaline, that for this reason, are called hormones of Stress. These are beneficial and necessary hormones in equilibrium conditions for preparing the body to face adversity. But in situations of imbalance, where the stress levels are higher than the body answer, it will…

Continuing to talk about Burnout, how we know if someone is being affected by this syndrome? The first manifestations of the disease are: fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disturbances, muscle aches, headaches, mood changes and memory, difficulty concentrating, lack of appetite and loss of initiative. People affected begin to have negative attitudes, such as missing work, pessimism, low self-esteem, low productivity and social isolation. They can also manifest anxiety, palpitations, irritability, cynicism, impatience, irony and aggressive behavior. You can also evolve with personal neglect, and pass not to eat, not bathing, not having time to sleep. They do not want to go…

Living without stress is something absolutely impossible in our society, but there are professions and situations where stress levels can trigger a syndrome characterized by Mental Exhaustion. This syndrome, called Burnout is characterized by physical and psychological exhaustion. The patient has emotional imbalance, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. It occurs mainly in professionals who deal with constant emotional pressure in your day to day, in people who are extremely particular about his work, called workaholics, or people subjected to a very high level of demand. But it’s not just this group that is subject to this impairment. In any other…

Leave the thinner face is already a craze among the famous. See why. For those people who want to get rid of the cheeks and the rounded shape of the face, can rest easy, because a new procedure has been a hit with the news. The bichectomia is the name of the surgery to remove the excess fat that accumulates in the cheek region, known anatomically by Ball of Bichat. It is a simple surgical procedure, in which the excess is removed without visible scars and performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is indicated for people who have a higher…

A good soak is a great tip for those who want to relax is to disconnect from the routine Do you feel at the end of the day you need something to relax and take all the stress of day-to-day? Considered as a rite of purification, the immersion bath serves to relax and bring a sense of well-being. Immersion relaxes all the muscles especially in the lumbar segment, which usually suffers from chronic muscle contraction, its action is able to act in the body’s well-being by providing a sense of well-being and more peaceful sleep. The immersion bath can be…

Excessive hair loss can be a serious problem, but the intake of the right foods helps in preventing the fall. Having a healthy diet is essential to prevent hair loss because the nutrients help strengthen the hair root, which prevents its fall. Foods like beans, arugula, vegetables and fruits are essential for healthy hair. To prevent and treat hair loss daily intake of the following foods is required: – Vitamin A: egg yolk, milk and beef liver. – Vitamin B: grains, lean meats and nuts. – Rich in zinc: wheat germ, oysters and liver. – Rich in Protein: Fish, chicken,…

Having a beautiful nail without peeled enamel is not for everyone. Learn how to increase the durability of glazes Many women complain that even going to the manicure, your enamel begins to peel easily. If you identified yourself with this situation, know that there is no magic formula, but some tips or tricks so that it lasts longer. Before passing the enamel is very important to nail polish and pass an empowering foundation that serves as a protective layer. Never use the enamel directly on the nails as they may be damaged. Throw away your old nail polish and always…

Did you know that you need to eat well before plastic surgery. So know the risks of a poor diet Many people think before making a plastic surgery, they do not need to worry about anything, even those who have exaggerated the food by anxiety, or even because it will be a long time without attacking some delights. But what society does not know, it is that it is necessary to make a diet before surgery to ensure his health before, during and after surgery. The correct diet should start one month before the surgery, it must be balanced, low…