
 People who are lactose intolerant do not produce lactase enzyme in sufficient quantity. Learn how to circumvent this problem. Do you feel that drinking milk or eating some milk-based food, brings any stomach discomfort? This can be lactose intolerance. Many people do not know they have this problem and do not associate this malaise to the intake of milk and dairy products. Lactose intolerance is the inability that the body has to digest lactose – a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. In case the small intestine fails to produce the required amount of the lactase enzyme, whose…

This powerful berry has many healthy benefits and can also helps you losing weight Surely you’ve heard of a powerful little fruit- Chinese origin. With that magic Berry, it’s possible to prevent disease and to help in weigh loss. A spoon possess only 50 calories.  See the benefits below: Improves vision This fruit is the carotenoids, a group which comprises the betocaroteno, lutein and zeaxanthin. Those substances help prevent serious vision problems. Slims As the Goji Berry does glucose levels trigger the pancreas does not need to release once the insulin in the blood to account for all the surplus…

Learn which different exercises you can do on the mat and out of the academies routine. You are one of those people who go up on mat already counting the seconds to finish the exercise? So here you will learn which different exercise you can do on the mat. Advance You can do this exercise that was practiced on the ground, on the treadmill. Turn on the treadmill at 3 km / h and keep your feet hip-width apart and hands together at the chest level. Lower only one leg forming a 90 ° angle, and then replace leg switching.…

Being overweight or suffering from anorexia is considered a disorder and is treated as a psychological problem. This problem is very common in our modern society, especially among young people, the distorted body self-image is one psychological disorder where an individual does not see their body as it really is. This problem is very common, unfortunately, because of the exposure to beauty standards that the big brands convey in their advertising campaigns, parades, music, etc. In this society, the distortion of body self-image has gained increasing space in the medical field and especially in the psychological one, after all one…

Disorder affects people overweight or suffering from anorexia. Subject is treated as psychological problem Problem increasingly common in modern society, especially among young people, the distorted body self-image is one psychological disorder that the person does not see as it really is, as compared to their weight or appearance, but only in the psychological field. This problem is more common, unfortunately, because of the massive exposure of deceptive beauty standards that the big brands convey in their advertising campaigns, parades, music, etc. In this increasingly demanding and ruthless scenario, the distortion of body self-image has gained increasing space in the…

Control type 2 diabetes with green tea, an ancient ally of health That green tea has many benefits for the body and skin, many people already know. However, a major benefit is unknown among their consumers, which is the glucose control. The benefits of the secret lies in the substances that prevent premature aging of body cells and promotes also important metabolic benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes. Green tea is a drink rich in polyphenols, which also contains catechin, a family of phytonutrient polyphenols, antioxidant substance; flavonoid, which has vascular action; caffeine, which helps improve the cognitive part…

A good soak is a great tip for those who want to relax is to disconnect from the routine Do you feel at the end of the day you need something to relax and take all the stress of day-to-day? Considered as a rite of purification, the immersion bath serves to relax and bring a sense of well-being. Immersion relaxes all the muscles especially in the lumbar segment, which usually suffers from chronic muscle contraction, its action is able to act in the body’s well-being by providing a sense of well-being and more peaceful sleep. The immersion bath can be…

Fancy methods, miraculous regimes … We know that none of this really is good for the body and helps us lose weight with health. More and more studies show that the secret to losing weight naturally is to find the perfect balance in the body through a balanced diet and exercise. But there is no magic formula for everyone, after all, each has a kind of necessity and the key to success is to find methods and solutions that really make a difference. Balance your body goes toward also the quality (and quantity) of food that makes throughout the day.…

The dried tomato is a delight, but very caloric. But what many people do not know is that you can do the dried tomatoes at home and so light Did you know that dried tomatoes light is great for those on a diet? That’s because, unlike the dried tomatoes preserved, they are made without sugar and with natural products without chemical. It is true that tomatoes are a great ally in the diet and also for men, because it prevents prostate cancer due to its pigment, lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant, helping to prevent various types of cancer. But…

Surrender the practice of Pilates with the five benefits listed below The practice of Pilates is increasingly present in people’s lives, especially those who want to improve posture, tone your body, have a higher concentration and have a proper breathing. The method works the body and the mind simultaneously. Pilates is based on six principles developed by the german Joseph Pilates. They are: breathing, center, concentration, control, precision and fluidity. Thus, strength, toning and stretching are worked from the inside out of the body, making it stronger, beautiful and healthy. Listed below are five benefits of Pilates, which surely will…