
We have already said that meditation is extremely beneficial to the people psychological health and that it can also benefit physical health. What many people do not know is that these benefits can be nowadays scientifically proven by a cellular level. Many researches are being done to understand better how meditation can benefit our lives, and even more benefits are being discovered that go far beyond the feeling of pleasure and relaxation provided by the practice. They can influence our biology!! The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1989 studied the effects of meditation in relation to healthy longevity.…

A beautiful and heavenly place feels just like home for the secret of longevity We all know that eating well, practicing physical exercise, avoid smoking drinking and drugs, increase the likelihood of prolonging the years of life. But there is a mystery that is leaving many hair standing researchers. The Greek Island (named Ikaria) population, lives 10 years longer than residents of any other places. But which are the factors that make these people live longer? Food? Physical activities? In fact, researchers at the medical school of the University of Athens who coordinate the study to assess the health of…

Have you ever wondered what is the secret to live longer and better? As yet discovered a fountain of youth, a mainstay of the happy life is surely the love we have received and our families, friends, co-workers, college … Life is more simple, happy and full when we view all day with positivity and love. “What counts is not the extent of a person’s life, but how she lives her life. What we accomplish, how we can increase our state of life, the number of people we help find happiness – these are the factors that really matter, “said…

Have positive thoughts and think that you are at least 2 years younger than their chronological age. You will see that your life will change You are of those people who does not care about age and always feel younger than you are? Then know that those positive people who is always at peace with life, live 3 or 4 years longer than people who are always complaining of age. According to the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine during the period of 99 months, the mortality rate fell by 14% between those who felt younger. The realization that you are…