Posts Written OnAugust 2015

Fancy methods, miraculous regimes … We know that none of this really is good for the body and helps us lose weight with health. More and more studies show that the secret to losing weight naturally is to find the perfect balance in the body through a balanced diet and exercise. But there is no magic formula for everyone, after all, each has a kind of necessity and the key to success is to find methods and solutions that really make a difference. Balance your body goes toward also the quality (and quantity) of food that makes throughout the day.…

Understand why eat little or go without eating fattening and slows down metabolism Even eating little you feel you are growing ever fatter? Then know that spending hours without eating, skipping meals and decrease the amount of food, undermine the regime and has a contrary action in the body. It is normal not fully know our body, therefore it is necessary to see a doctor to find out what the best treatment for you slimmer. Going without food can cause diseases such as anemia and low immunity. No use skip meals, thinking so you will lose weight because your metabolism…

Have you ever wondered what is the secret to live longer and better? As yet discovered a fountain of youth, a mainstay of the happy life is surely the love we have received and our families, friends, co-workers, college … Life is more simple, happy and full when we view all day with positivity and love. “What counts is not the extent of a person’s life, but how she lives her life. What we accomplish, how we can increase our state of life, the number of people we help find happiness – these are the factors that really matter, “said…

Over time, the ears become larger. That’s right!! Ears and nose continue to grow gradually throughout the whole life!! As you get older there is an increase of lobes that are longer, withered and flabby. There are some surgical techniques for the reduction of the earlobes, which can be associated with Facial Rejuvenation Surgery and Neck Lifting or. Thus becomes a supplement to offer more harmony to the whole. The result of this association becomes the most natural rejuvenation. Besides the decrease of the earlobes, we usually also do the filling, because usually they are more shriveled compared to younger…

Surely you’ve heard of “beauty sleep” in which a person sleeps many hours and wake up feeling better and even thinking that is a few years younger, prettier … Is that true? Who sleeps with quality rejuvenates? According to surveys conducted in various parts of the world, such as University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, USA, people sleeping shortly present more signs of age over the years, and also a slower recovery of environmental damage the skin receives on a daily basis, such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun. In this case, more than 60 females were studied (30…

Have positive thoughts and think that you are at least 2 years younger than their chronological age. You will see that your life will change You are of those people who does not care about age and always feel younger than you are? Then know that those positive people who is always at peace with life, live 3 or 4 years longer than people who are always complaining of age. According to the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine during the period of 99 months, the mortality rate fell by 14% between those who felt younger. The realization that you are…

Learn the benefits of water and learn some tips to make the act of ingesting this liquid, a routine We know that drinking water is essential to maintain health days. But for many people this is a hard habit to be inserted into your day-to-day. Drink water properly maintain the proper functioning of the body and help you lose weight and let your skin more beautiful. Ideally not expect to have thirsty to drink water because when the body shows signs that it is necessary to ingest the liquid, it is because you already have signs of dehydration. We have…

The dried tomato is a delight, but very caloric. But what many people do not know is that you can do the dried tomatoes at home and so light Did you know that dried tomatoes light is great for those on a diet? That’s because, unlike the dried tomatoes preserved, they are made without sugar and with natural products without chemical. It is true that tomatoes are a great ally in the diet and also for men, because it prevents prostate cancer due to its pigment, lycopene, which acts as an antioxidant, helping to prevent various types of cancer. But…

Surrender the practice of Pilates with the five benefits listed below The practice of Pilates is increasingly present in people’s lives, especially those who want to improve posture, tone your body, have a higher concentration and have a proper breathing. The method works the body and the mind simultaneously. Pilates is based on six principles developed by the german Joseph Pilates. They are: breathing, center, concentration, control, precision and fluidity. Thus, strength, toning and stretching are worked from the inside out of the body, making it stronger, beautiful and healthy. Listed below are five benefits of Pilates, which surely will…

Gradually the beauty models were modernized and advocate a controlled and healthy aging Today the beautiful has to do with symmetry and harmony, as used in antiquity. However, over time the search for these standards has become increasingly common. Controlled aging and the intervention of aesthetic and surgical procedures has become a simple and easy practice for those who want to enter the third age good about themselves. Before, people were more plump, with belly and some fats. Nowadays the beautiful is to be thin, with defined abdomen and silicone busts. The Paleolithic Venus was a plump woman who was…