The skin is the part of the body that best reflects the effects of aging. It is the largest organ of the human body and is the first to be attacked by weathering, chemicals, pollutants, sun or climate change, which cause premature aging. Also suffers internal influences according to lifestyle and eating habits that you choose.
So please note: Your health and care will reflect the look of your skin!

The skin is constantly renewing itself. Pass through a process that will promote peeling of the more superficial cells by other younger than the substitute while maintaining the smooth and uniform structure. This refresh cycle is being damaged over time and compounded by aggressive agents both externally and internally. The skin then becomes more flaccid, opaque and stained with relief irregularities that lead to roughness, fine lines, wrinkles and folds.

Here are some tips on how to maintain beautiful and healthy skin for more time!!


Avoid Noon Solar radiation!!

Solar radiation acts on the skin from causing photoaging to onset of skin tumors or burns. Sun exposure also changes the pigmentation of the skin causing the appearance of blemishes, moles and freckles. The photodamaged skin is thicker, yellow and rough. Remember: We need to apply sunscreen daily, even on cold or rainy days because 80% of the UV radiation through the clouds.

Avoid cigarette !!

Smokers and people who live with smokers, have pronounced marks of aging, wrinkles around the lips and skin yellowish-gray color. Cigarette smoking causes premature aging of the skin and loss of skin elasticity. Moreover, it hampers tissue oxygenation.

Drink with moderation !!

Excess alcohol stimulates the formation of free radicals, which cause aging. The exception to the rule is the red wine, which, if consumed in small quantities, have anti-free radical action, it is rich in flavonoids, a powerful antioxidant. But remember: very sparingly, but the effects are unwanted.


Avoid faces and “kneading” the face !!

Repetitive and continuous movements of some muscles of the face wrinkles deepen, causing the so-called expression marks. So it is best to wear sunglasses or degree to avoid squint constantly. Cigarette and constant use of straws can also cause wrinkles around the lips. Sleeping on your side or on the face also causes lines to appear. Over time, these lines can turn into permanent wrinkles.

Food, your best medicine !!

Food is essential for life and should be taken consciously to replace losses or to meet needs. Did you know that there are foods that are rejuvenating and others who contribute to a premature aging? Increasing the intake of antioxidants will fight the “bombing” Daily we receive from free radicals. Free radicals play a central role in the events that trigger skin aging. Alter the cell renewal cycle, cause damage to DNA that promote the release of pro-inflammatory mediators that, in turn, triggers inflammatory or allergic skin reactions. . With advancing age, the immunity decreased, increasing the incidence of infections and tumors. This cellular oxidative stress causes the degradation of collagen generating structural deterioration.

The sentence of Hippocrates: “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”, has never been present.


Water, source of life !!

The human being is composed of approximately 60% water and that percentage decreases in aging, which is aggravated by decreased thirst in the elderly. Therefore, q and want a more hydrated skin, be sure to drink water! Drink at least two liters of water a day. The intake of water hydrates the body and facilitates the elimination of toxins that contribute to skin aging.