Surely you’ve heard of “beauty sleep” in which a person sleeps many hours and wake up feeling better and even thinking that is a few years younger, prettier … Is that true? Who sleeps with quality rejuvenates? According to surveys conducted in various parts of the world, such as University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, USA, people sleeping shortly present more signs of age over the years, and also a slower recovery of environmental damage the skin receives on a daily basis, such as ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

In this case, more than 60 females were studied (30 to 40 years) with half being considered poor quality sleep. The result? Who sleep less has a higher number of lines in the skin, uneven pigmentation, reducing elasticity and even sagging. According to the researchers, who sleeps with quality recovers more easily all these signs, which directly affects the perception of the people after the first contact with the mirror in the morning.

It is noteworthy that during sleep is occurring the highest level of production of growth hormone, the main element for the recovery of cells. The dermatologist and member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, Marçon Carolina, explains that it is impossible to determine an exact number of hours of sleep, because each person has unique characteristics, but in fact sleepless nights directly affect skin health. Also, when we sleep badly, we become stressed and your body releases the hormone cortisol, a major cause the formation of free radicals and premature wrinkles.

Tips for sleeping with more quality

As we just learned, who you sleep with quality rejuvenates every night due to the hormonal process that recovers the skin cells. But what the person has trouble falling asleep? Some tips can be tested during the week, how to set fixed times for going to bed, eat well, avoid caffeine in the evening and start to have an exercise routine during the day. The secret is to find a method that favors their sleep.
