The main cause of wrinkles is the loss of collagen due to the natural aging process. This process is part of the normal life of the human being. But there are habits that can speed up this process.

First of all let’s explain the different types of wrinkles

Dynamic Expression Lines

People who make lots of facial movements to communicate, end up getting these signs of expression. They are usually located on the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes.

Atrophic Crinkling Rhytids

These wrinkles are those little parallel lines that disappear when your skin is stretched taut. These types of wrinkles are linked to the loss of collagen. They are more common in people who have fair skin and are over 30 years old.

Permanent Elastic Creases

These are consequences of the natural aging of cells. External factors can also cause such wrinkles. They usually arise due to significant loss of collagen and thinning of the dermis. Most common in people over 45 years of age.

Gravitational Folds

They are mainly caused by the reduction of collagen and elastic fibers. They appear along with muscle flaccidity, leading to leftover skin. They are more common after age 60, but external factors can accelerate the process.

So now that we know what types of wrinkles we are going to the 8 habits of the day to day that can accelerate the process of appearance of wrinkles.

1.Sleeping a few hours or sleeping poorly

Exactly during sleep that rejuvenating hormones are produced, such as melatonin and growth hormone. Consequently a sleepless nights affect cell renewal.

2. bad eating habits

Having poor eating habits accelerates the process of appearance of wrinkles. It is essential to follow a balanced diet. This guarantees the health and beauty of the skin. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, cereals and salad, has antioxidants that neutralize the action of free radicals.

3. Stress

Stressful situations affect the functioning of the body, causing the increase of free radicals. This causes damage to the skin consequently affecting the ability of the skin to renew itself.

4. Alcohol abuse

Exaggerated consumption of alcoholic beverages also promotes the increase of free radicals, making it difficult to absorb several nutrients.

5. Smoking

Tobacco is a big enemy of the skin. Nicotine breaks down the collagen and elastic fibers, resulting in a more wrinkled and dull skin.

6. High sun exposure

High sun exposure causes aging of the skin, manifests itself mainly by stains, wrinkles and altered skin tone early.

7. Exaggerated use of facial expressions

There are people who get their facial muscles several times a day when it comes to expressing themselves. With this they end up forming in the face creases, which can later turn into wrinkles.

8. Do not remove the makeup

The makeup should be removed before bed as it can clog the pores causing damage to the skin.

So to keep your skin beautiful, healthy and without wrinkles any longer avoid these habits.

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