Facial Fillers, when properly indicated and performed promote rejuvenation and balance.
It serves both to correct small asymmetries aiming at aesthetic perfection, and to fix and repair of structural abnormalities of the face and of certain areas of the body.
As we age everything “wilt”, the volume of fatty tissue, muscle volume, until the bone structure! The filling is also used to repair these areas decreased with time bringing youth and freshness in appearance!

Fillers may be absorbable or non-absorbable by biocompatible substances, or the patient’s own fat tissue, depending on expectations, possibilities and examination.

The application is generally performed under local anesthesia as the dentist. Small orifices are carried out by microcannulas that will transport the substance in question. They are used amounts proportional to the desired results.

The patient can return to his activities on the same day. There may be a edema (swelling) light that lasts a few days.

Many of the imperfections that could only be corrected by surgery, can now benefit from the fills.

But beyond the technique, there must be art and common sense at the time of the procedure.
You need to know the real desire of the patient and consider realistically whether it is consistent with reality. You can not promise miracles, if only because the priority of the result is the beauty combined with naturalness.

The successful procedure is obtained with a result that enhances the beauty, provides rejuvenating appearance and correct small asymmetries and imperfections. And while preserving the naturalness!