This powerful berry has many healthy benefits and can also helps you losing weight

Surely you’ve heard of a powerful little fruit- Chinese origin. With that magic Berry, it’s possible to prevent disease and to help in weigh loss. A spoon possess only 50 calories.  See the benefits below:

Improves vision

This fruit is the carotenoids, a group which comprises the betocaroteno, lutein and zeaxanthin. Those substances help prevent serious vision problems.


As the Goji Berry does glucose levels trigger the pancreas does not need to release once the insulin in the blood to account for all the surplus sugar. Another major benefit is to store energy in the body.

Prevents cancer

Thanks to its antioxidant power, it prevents the appearance of tumors to fight free radicals, substances that can cause mutations in cells.

Helps on bowel function

By having many important fibers to bowel function, only six tablespoons of fruit (100 g) are 7.4 mg of fibers.