This exercise is a great opportunity to take the bad thoughts and clear your mind

Work the body, be healthy and have a beautiful physical is the desire of most people. But try to be happy and be in balance should not be forgotten.

You have to work the mind, because it conveys the vibratory energy field and that, of course, reflected in the physical or in your body.

For this, it is necessary to keep good thoughts: success, prosperity, peace, harmony, health and happiness. Reflect your attitudes and how they may be influencing your lives and other people around you.

A great exercise for the mind is Meditation, which can be done daily, as well as balance your mind, it also improves your body. Meditation also improves the immune system, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level. Increases the ability to concentrate and clear your energy field.

Training the mind is not an easy task, but should be practiced every day in a quiet place without the technological interruptions. Sit down and cross your legs, put your hands in your legs and keep your spine straight, close your eyes and start to pay attention to sounds that happen around you, such as your breathing. Go relaxing and emptying the mind, leaving only good thoughts.

To do this exercise can be in other positions, you find it more comfortable to put your mind in balance and have a happy life.

Remember: man becomes what he thinks and gets involved with thoughts and people on the same wavelength.

Always do good things and have good thoughts. This is certainly the key to happiness.


Goleman, Daniel. A arte da meditação. Sextante, 1999.

Menezes, Carolina Baptista, and Débora Dalbosco DellAglio. “Por que meditar? A experiência subjetiva da prática de meditação.” Psicologia em Estudo 14.3 (2010): 565-573.

Castro, Juracy Corrêa, et al. “Níveis de qualidade de vida em idosas ativas praticantes de dança, musculação e meditação.” Rev Bras Geriatr Gerontol12.2 (2009): 255-65.