A good soak is a great tip for those who want to relax is to disconnect from the routine

Do you feel at the end of the day you need something to relax and take all the stress of day-to-day? Considered as a rite of purification, the immersion bath serves to relax and bring a sense of well-being.

Immersion relaxes all the muscles especially in the lumbar segment, which usually suffers from chronic muscle contraction, its action is able to act in the body’s well-being by providing a sense of well-being and more peaceful sleep.

The immersion bath can be associated with the technique of color therapy, used to provide different sensations and results in the person’s body, and best of all can be done at home.

The ideal is to let water temperature, hotter than the body. Play in the water sea salt and essential oils of lavender and tangerine, do massage the most tense points and stay 20 minutes in this water, just visualizing good things and forget the problems. If you do not have a bath at home, you can do this procedure in the shower for ten minutes.

This bath can do miracles both in the physical and mental part of a person. So enjoy this delight and renew.


Davim, Rejane Marie Barbosa, et al. “Banho de chuveiro como estratégia não farmacológica no alívio da dor em parturientes.” Rev Eletr Enf 10.3 (2008): 600-609.

