Fancy methods, miraculous regimes … We know that none of this really is good for the body and helps us lose weight with health. More and more studies show that the secret to losing weight naturally is to find the perfect balance in the body through a balanced diet and exercise. But there is no magic formula for everyone, after all, each has a kind of necessity and the key to success is to find methods and solutions that really make a difference.

Balance your body goes toward also the quality (and quantity) of food that makes throughout the day. Give preference to light food, but containing all the nutrients that your metabolism needs. Consume more fruits and vegetables also results in natural weight loss, since they have low calorie content and are good sources of minerals, vitamins, water and fiber. Added to this, a routine exercise is also essential, such as a daily walk 30-40 minutes a walk in the park with your pet, a bike ride on the beachfront … Options abound for you exercise.

Balanced diet, physical exercise and also psychological preparation. It is essential that the person has the idea to lose weight naturally well defined in your head, that is, this becomes a lifestyle and even with the temptations of everyday life, stay focused and determined to achieve their goals.

Lose weight naturally: know the Ayurveda

You heard about Ayurveda? Originated in India thousands of years ago, this method is set of best practices for the person to balance your body and stay lean naturally through meditation, exercise, massage and even beauty treatments. Ayurveda aims to keep happiness, beauty and health throughout life. For feeding, for example, the consumption six main flavors is indicated within each main meal: spicy, sour, salty, bitter, sweet and astringent.

Within Ayurveda is also encouraged to decrease foods high in glycemic Indian, creamy and oily, as well as the intake of cold drinks. Another lesson is never eat when not hungry (have to resist gluttony) and always wait for the complete digestion of a meal before leaving for the next.
