Learn the benefits of water and learn some tips to make the act of ingesting this liquid, a routine

We know that drinking water is essential to maintain health days. But for many people this is a hard habit to be inserted into your day-to-day.

Drink water properly maintain the proper functioning of the body and help you lose weight and let your skin more beautiful.

Ideally not expect to have thirsty to drink water because when the body shows signs that it is necessary to ingest the liquid, it is because you already have signs of dehydration. We have to drink water in small amounts throughout the day to keep the body well hydrated and our cells working properly.

It is recommended to intake 8 glasses of water a day, or the 2l-3l. For those who do not have the custom of drinking water, you should increase the amount gradually until it becomes a habit. If you still forget to drink water, tag the clock, so you will always remember.

For those who think that drinking water does not lose weight, they’re wrong, because drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals, help with satiety and you end up eating less. Often we think we’re hungry, but it is actually because the symptoms of thirst and hunger are very similar, so people mistake.

Another tip is to take a glass of water in the morning, on an empty stomach, it helps to activate the internal organs and the circulatory system. In addition, the water begins the process of detoxification and elimination of toxins and waste from the calories burned during the night metabolism.

Do you know that the worst time to drink liquids is during meals? It is because the liquid dilutes the digestive enzymes and stomach acids, and hindering the digestion of food.

Drink water before, during and after physical activities, because acts as moisturize replacing lost fluids in sweat. The same thing must be done before bed, so that you will recover your body’s day-to-day, and moisturize it.


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BRANCO, Samuel Murgel, S. M. F. O. Azevedo, and José Galizia TUNDISI. “Água e saúde humana.” REBOUÇAS, AC; Braga, B.; TUNDISI, JG Águas doces no Brasil: Capital ecológico, uso e conservação 3 (2006): 241-267.