When winter comes and the temperature fall. We generally change our diet drastically preferring hot foods and more caloric to keep our temperature along the frosty days. However, sometimes we forget to eat foods that guarantee the resistance of our organism against colds and fever, common diseases at this time of the year. 

So wear your coat and see now what foods you can’t miss in winter:


The  Acerola is recognized like one of the best sources of vitamin C having about 2294,53 mg per 100g of fruit pulp. The Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) maximizes the cells function to be immune and helps maintain the mucosal and respiratory tract. It also accelerates the process to recover of colds and flu. 

The vitamin C is also found in others fruits, but in lower concentrations. The majority fruits are: strawberry, tangerine, lemon, orange, lime, kiwi, cashew and tomato.


Another food that you can’t miss in winter its garlic. It’s very important in the diet, especially for bioactive compounds, like sulfur compounds that possess a antiviral effect. 

The Garlic also acts as an anti-inflammatory, beyond improving asthma symptoms and facilitating breathing. 


An excellent source of beta-coronets, which is essential for health  mucous of the respiratory tract. In the case of its deficiency, the body reduces the number of defense cells , which increases the susceptibility of bacterial and viral  infections. Other foods rich in beta-coronets are: pumpkin, apricot, liver, carrot and melon. 

Red meat 

The iron, in read meat is essential for the production of cells that carry oxygen in the blood. Iron is essential for the correct functioning of the body and greater resistance to diseases.

Others recognized sources of iron are: eggs, beans, dried fruits and dark green vegetables.


Rich in dietary fibers considered probiotics that provide colonization of the intestinal tract with the so-called good bacteria. Good bacteria provide control of intestinal disorders and improved ability of the body to absorb nutrients from ingested foods. This contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system and reduces the risk of disease in general.


Possess beta-glucans that boosts the immune system. Mushroom extracts are excellent against bacteria such as E. coli, staph and tuberculosis ramifications. It also fights a wide variety of viruses, such as smallpox and influenza viruses.

Among the best known mushrooms are champignon, maitake, shitake and shimeji.


Rich in amino acids that are related to the production of antibodies and zinc that prevents immune diseases and the decrease of blood lymphocytes (cells that defend the body against ,mainly, viral invaders).


Yogurt is considered a probiotic food, as chicory, provides colonization of the intestinal tract with the so-called good bacteria. These living microorganisms (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) are directly related to antibody development and activation of lymphocytes that contribute to the strengthening of the immune response against virus attack.


Egg is a food rich in vitamin E, having anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E, in not very high doses, helps in the absorption of vitamins A and C. It also helps in protecting cells against toxic substances that cause damage to cell structures leaving them susceptible to disease.

Also, the egg has amino acids that are related to antibody production. Other foods rich in vitamin E are: nuts, almonds and avocado.

So, did you like this tips? Then stock up your refrigerator with these foods that can’t be missed for a safer season from respiratory illness, flu and colds.

Stay tuned on our blog for more health tips of healthy eating.

Till the next time!